We're excited to host Dianne Bloemendal art work at the Centre. We hope you will pop into the Centre and take a moment to enjoy her photography.
Let's find out more about Dianne and her love of photography.
I've always loved scenery and clouds and the tiny details of flowers.
I don't draw or paint, s using a camera to capture the world around us works for me!
Most of my recent photos, such as those on display at the Centre, have been taken with my mobile phone, no editing required. These photos have been taken at Snells Beach or at Scott's Landing.
Living in Snells Beach, there is always the opportunity to photograph a sunrise over the sea or a sunset, while the cloud formations are often amazing.
Maybe next time you're outside, look at through the lens of your mobile phone camera; zoom in close to look at a bee on a flower, zoom out to take a skyful of clouds; lie on your tummy to get a worm's view.
Sometimes gloomy days set the scene for a moody monochrome panorama, all silver and grey.
Beauty is everywhere. I am constantly amazed at the intricacy of God's creation. Enjoy it!
Prints are available. I will also have a range of cards for sale. I will be updating my Facebook Page Greenwoods PhotoArt with more details,