New Zealand Women's Centres
Auckland Women's Centre
4 Warnock St
Grey Lynn
Phone: (09) 376 3227
Email: info@womenz.org.nz
Website: www.awc.org.nz
Auckland Working Women's Resource Centre
35 George St, Kingsland
Phone: (09) 379 7906
Email: wwrc@ihug.co.nz
Website: www.wwrc.org.nz
Christchurch Women's Centre
Level 1, 573-579 Colombo Street
Phone: (03) 371 7414
Email: support@womenscentre.co.nz
Website: www.womenscentre.co.nz
Cromwell Women's Support Group
PO Box 149
Cromwell 9191
Helensville Women's Centre
1 Porter Crescent
Phone: (09) 420 7992
Email: info@hwfc.co.nz
Website: www.hwfc.co.nz
Heretaunga Women's Centre
Women's Rest Building
Cnr Russell & Eastbourne Streets
Phone/Fax: (06) 878 5401,
Email: h.w.c@nowmail.co.nz
Website: www.heretaungawomenscentre.org.nz
Kapiti Women's Centre
7 Ngahina Street
Paraparaumu 5032
Phone: (04) 902 6222
Email: contact@kapitiwomenscentre.org.nz
Website: www.kapitiwomenscentre.org.nz
Lower Hutt Women's Centre
186 Knights Rd
Lower Hutt 6301
Phone: (04) 569 2711
Email: lhwomenscentre@paradise.net.nz
Website: www.lhwc.org.nz
Napier Women's Centre & Health Centre
98 Wellesley Rd
Nelson Women's Centre
44 Trafalgar St
Nelson 7010
Phone: (03) 546 7986
Email: nnwomenscentre@ts.co.nz
Website: www.nelsonwomenscentre.org.nz
New Plymouth Women's Centre
Community House
32 Leach St
New Plymouth 4310
Phone: (06) 758 4957
Email: npwomen@xtra.co.nz
Website: Info can be found at www.newplymouth.com
North Shore Women's Centre
PO Box 40 106
5 Mayfield Rd Glenfield,
Auckland 1330.
Phone: (09) 444 4618
Email: women.ctr@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.womyn-ctr.co.nz
Otaki Community Health Centre
186 Mill Road
Phone: (06) 364 6367
Palmerston North Women's Centre & Health Collective
53 Waldegrave St
Palmerston North 5330
Phone: (06) 357 0314
Email: pnwhc@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.pncsc.co.nz
Shakti NZ Asian Women's Centre
PO Box 24 448
Royal Oak, Auckland
Phone: (09) 625 6714
Helpline: (09) 624 3619 or 0800 742 584
Website: www.shakti-international.org/shakti-nz/
Solo Women As Parents (SWAP)
Community House
70 Springfield Rd
St Albans
Phone: (03) 366 8540
Email: admin@swap-inc.co.nz
South Canterbury Women's Welfare Centre
14 Butler St
Timaru 7910
Phone: (03) 688 9363
Website: www.scesan.org.nz
South Taranaki Women's Centre
6 Furlong St
(Cnr Regent and Furlong Sts)
Hawera 4610
Phone: (06) 278 3260
Email: stwc@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.stwchawera.webs.com
Te Awamutu Women's Centre and Women's Refuge
PO Box 399
Te Awamutu 3840
Phone: (07) 871 8152
Thames Women's Centre
207 Richmond St
Phone: (07) 868 9797
Email: thameswomenscentre@xtra.co.nz
Upper Hutt Women's Centre
6 Sinclair Street
Upper Hutt
Phone: (04) 527-0017
Email: uhwomen@xtra.co.nz
Wairarapa Women's Centre
41 Perry St
Phone: (06) 378 2453
Email: wairarapawomen@gmail.com
Wanganui - The Women's Network
Phone: (06) 345 6833
West Coast Well Women's Centre
52 Alexander St
Phone: (03) 768 7192
Email: wwc@minidata.co.nz
Website: www.wellwomen.orconhosting.net.nz
Policies and Political
Association for Women Rights in Development
AWID, the Association for Women's Rights in Development, is an international membership organisation. Their goal is to cause policy, institutional and individual change that will improve the lives of women and girls everywhere.
Website: www.awid.org
Auckland Women's Health Action
The first place to look for women's health issues
Website: http://www.womens-health.org.nz/
Coalition for Equal Value Equal Pay
The campaign for pay equity in New Zealand.
Website: http://www.cevep.org.nz/
Gisborne Cervical Screening Inquiry
This website outlines the Ministerial Inquiry into the under-reporting of cervical smear abnormalities in the Gisborne region.
Website: http://www.csi.org.nz/
Ministry of Women's Affairs
The New Zealand government’s source of advice on ways to improve the lives of women.
Website: https://women.govt.nz/
Miscarriage Support Group
For miscarriage support phone the supportline (09) 378 4060 or check out the website www.miscarriage.org.nz
United Nations Development Fund for Women
UNIFEM is the women’s fund at the United Nations. It provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programmes and strategies to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality.
Website: http://www.unifem.org/
Violence Support Groups
Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation
Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP is a community counselling agency in Mt Eden offering support and therapy for women, young adult women and children who have experienced sexual assault.
Website: https://www.helpauckland.org.nz/
Phone: 09 623 1700
Abuse Prevention Services
Offering programmes and counseling for women, men & children in the Hibiscus Coast and Warkworth areas.
Phone: (09) 425 8130
Email: rsvs@clear.net.nz
Making homes violence free. Provides an extensive range of services, including a national 0508 Family Violence Helpline; 24 hour crisis and advocacy for adult and child victims of family violence; a stopping violence programme for abusive people; a Child Crisis Team intervention service for children who have witnessed family violence; coordination of SAFTINET, an interagency network; and also many different training programmes.
Website: https://www.2shine.org.nz/how-shine-helps/shine-services
Phone: 0508 744 633
09) 815 4601
Hestia Women’s Refuge – Rodney
Safe accommodation and outreach support in the community for women & children who want safety from or information about their abusive domestic relationships. 24 Hour crisis assistance, advocacy, education, information & linking with other refuges.
PO Box 580,
Orewa 0946
Phone: WW(09) 425 0452 / HBC(09) 427 5154 / HNSVL(09) 420 6083
Mobile: 021 0811 7790 / Northern Outreach Advocate 021 243 6966
24 hour crisis pager: 0800 321 361
Email: hestiarwr@xtra.co.nz
Refuge office hours: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Helping Survivors
Assists anyone who hs been victimised by sexual assault or abuse. Thier website is a compilation of information around difference instances of sexual violence and offers resources to assist survivors and their families.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Guide.
website: www.helpingsurvivors.org
Advocate for children and young people who are witnesses of family violence – Hibiscus Coast Service.
Provides an independent voice for children & young people (up to 17 years) to ensure their views are represented.
Phone: (09) 427 6334
Victim Support
A 24 hour, 7 days a week agency working with victims of crisis & trauma. Provides advocacy, court assistance, support for victims of homicide, family group conferencing, restorative justice, referral to specialist organizations and victim impact statements.
Practical & emotional support for victims of crime, accident & emergency. Confidential service.
Email: hibiscus_coast@victimsupport.org.nz
Phone: (09) 424 6515
Crisis phone: 027 497 1956 / 0800 VICTIM / 0800 842846
Victim Support North Rodney
Covers Puhoi through to Kaiwaka, & Mangawhai over to part of the Kaipara area.
Phone: (09) 425 8109 (Warkworth Police 24 hours) / 0800 VICTIM.
National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges
The National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges is a women-run organisation for women and children, supported by local communities. They operate over 50 safe houses throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Women's Refuges provide 24 hour support, advocacy & accommodation for women and their children experiencing family violence.
Website: http://www.womensrefuge.org.nz
Family Violence Clearing House
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearing House is a national centre for collating and diseminating information about family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. The purpose of the Clearinghouse is to provide access to quality information for a wide range of users, including those working towards preventing and eliminating family violence.
Website: http://www.nzfvc.org.nz
Rape Prevention Education Auckland
Rape Prevention Education Auckland - Whakatu Mauri
Rape Prevention Education (RPE) provides information around crisis and sexual abuse issues via their website. The website can link you to Rape Crisis Centres around NZ that can provide free support, counselling (both phone and face-to-face), practical assistance, advocacy, and resources for people who are survivors of rape and/or sexual abuse. RPE also provides education and training for young people, parent groups and the wider community, especially in the Auckland region on preventing sexual violence and dealing with disclosures of abuse.
Website: http://www.rpe.co.nz
North Shore Family Court Counselling & Mediation Services
Offers counseling & information service for couples at no cost. Marital/relationship, separation,custody,access & domestic violence issues are part of the service.
Corner of Don McKinnon & Corinthian Drives,
Phone: (09) 916 5894 / (09) 916 5895
Court Services for Victims: Suzanne.tongue@justice.govt.nz (Court advisor at North Shore Courts)
Tu Wahine Trust
A confidential counselling service for Maori women, children and their whanau who have been affected by sexual abuse and related violence.
PO Box 83 230
Te Atatu South
Phone: (09) 838 8700
Email: tuwahine@xtra.co.nz
Mates Cafe
A network of people of all ages and races trained to provide support and encouragement to those in need. A meet up is organised at a local cafe.
Website: https://www.matescafe.org/mates_cafe_new_zealand.html
Community and Government Organisations
​Parent Port Warkworth
Free home help & child care for families in need due to illness, stress, exhaustion or crisis. Puhoi to Paparoa, coast to coast. There has to be a pre-schooler in the family.
C/- Homebuilders
5 Hexham Street, Warkworth
Phone: (09) 423 8830 Mobile: 027 280 5093
Email: elianelagnaz@hotmail.com
Pregnancy Counselling Services Inc
A free, confidential, 24 hour counseling & practical help service for anyone involved in a worrying pregnancy or those distressed after an abortion. Face-to-face counseling by arrangement. Help to solve problems of accommodation, home help, transport, medical care, legal advice. Free pregnancy testing & baby gear.
Phone: (09) 307 6745 / 0800 NEED 2 TALK (24 HR) 0800 633 328
Hearts and Minds (formerly Raeburn House)
A community-based mental health promotion organization providing community development expertise, support, resources & information to individuals, whanau, community. Non-government organizations & statutory agencies.
138 Shakespeare Road, Milford, North Shore 0622
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Phone: (09) 441 8989
Email: info@heartsandminds.org.nz
Support Services Directory: www.raeburnhouse.org.nz/about-us/directory
Relationship Services – Rodney
Relationship counseling for families, couples, individuals & families. Courses available for couples & individuals. Counselling available in Orewa & Warkworth.
3A Gibbons Road, Takapuna
Phone: (09) 489 8349
Counselling for teenagers: 13-25 years old
Phone: (09) 422 6143
The Asian Network Inc (TANI)
TANI is a pan-Asian community organisation working for the betterment of Asian community's life and well being. TANI believes in empowering the community to respond to their emerging health & wellbeing needs and acts as a bridge between the mainstream service providers and Asian communities. They offer educational programmes and social activities.
Phone: (09) 8152338 / (09) 8152331
Website: www.asiannetwork.org.nz
The Practice - Counselling & Psychotherapy
A team of qualified & experienced counselors & psychotherapists, with a broad range of skills & expertise to meet the needs of different clients. Helps people with such issues as depression, anxiety, low self esteem & confidence, relationships, parenting & family struggles, trauma & sexual abuse, stress & life changes. Works with individuals, couples, children & families.
Orewa House,
498 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa
Phone: (09) 426 1622
Email: info@thepractice.net.nz
Website: www.thepractice.net.nz
Te Ha O Te Oranga O Ngati Whatua
Provider of Maori Health services which focuses on individual families’ total well-being. Wellsford: 158 Rodney Street.
Tamariki Ora mobile nursing, public health promotions, Community Health Worker, alcohol & drug counselling, Quit Smoking support, disease state management, car seat promotion, and doctors clinics. Sexual health clinic every Monday. Dietician services once a month. Breast screen & health promotion.
Phone: (09) 423 8538
Helensville: 53 Commercial Road.
Mobile Nursing Services, c/- Te Puna o te Ora.
Phone: (09) 420 7235
Dargaville: Awakino Street. Mobile Nursing, community health workers, car seat promotion, doctor’s clinics & outreach clinics.
Phone: (09) 439 1690
Children's Teams Oranga Tamariki
Formed in response to the Green and White Papers, Children's Team's are working with families and whanau to create safer lives for at risk children. The Team's work includes the 'early intervention' system, and working with other agencies to put the child's voice first.
Phone: 0800 326 359
Email: contact@ot.govt.nz
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